Carlo Regazzoni

Carlo S. Regazzoni was born in Savona, Italy in 1963. He received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. in Telecommunications and Signal Processing from the University of Genoa (UniGE), in 1987 and 1992, respectively. Since 2005 he is Full Professor of Telecommunications Systems UNIGE. Since 2012 he is a member of DITEN Department at UNIGE.From April 2017 to October 2017 he is UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 

Dr.Regazzoni is involved in research (h-index Scopus 26, Google Scholar 37) on Signal and Video processing and Data Fusion in Cognitive Telecommunication Systems since 1988. His main current research interests are: Bio-inspired Signal and Video Processing and Recognition, Cognitive Dynamic systems, Distributed Data Fusion, Signal Processing for Wireless Communications and Localization, Ambient Intelligence, Software and Cognitive Radio, Multimodal Interfaces, Pervasive adaptation in embodied cognitive systems. In particular, Dr. Regazzoni was one of the pioneering researchers in Intelligent Video Surveillance (former name of Video analytics) having participated to national and EU projects (e.g. Dimus, Esprit 1990) in this field since 1988. Since 1998 he is responsible of the Video and Signal Processing for Telecommunications (ISIP40, Research Group now at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineering and Naval Architecture” (DITEN), within the Polytechnic School of UniGE. 

Dr. Regazzoni has been project responsible in several EU research and development projects and of several research contracts with italian industries since 1990. He is/has been responsible of joint research labs with industries Technoaware (A2lab /Ambient Awareness Lab), Telecom Italia, and Selex Communications and of the Cognitive Radio Lab (CorLab) at DIBE.
Dr. Regazzoni since 2009 is coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments (ICE), one of the around 40 courses international PhD Courses selected in 2009-2013 by European agency EACEA providing joint/double PhD titles at the European level. ICE is composed by a consortium of five top European Universities (
Since 1997 he has served as certified quality system reviewer of Higher Education Courses in the context of the Campus and Campusone projects organized by Italian Conference of Deans (CRUI). He has evaluated more than 40 courses at the Master and Bachelor level. He has also served as quality system reviewer under the European EURACE project.
Dr Regazzoni is academic responsible of the security lab section of the Region Liguria industrial- academic consortium on Intelligent Integrated Systems (SIIT) as well as member of the Scientifical Technical Committee of SIIT. 

He has served as General Chair of Genova edition IEEE AVSS 2009. He served as Technical Program chair for the IEEE SPS ICIP05 Conference on Image Processing with 1200 attendees from all over the world in Genova. He was in a co-founder and has chaired since 2001 the Steering Committee (IEEE SPS-CS committee Chair 2009-2013) of the IEEE International Conferences on Advanced Signal and Video Based Surveillance Systems, IEEE AVSS, the leader world forum for Industrial and academic research in video and signal based surveillance, now at its 11th edition. He has been awarded of a certificate of appreciation for creation of AVSS in 2013. He is International Liason co/chair of Quebec City / IEEE ICIP 2015 He has participated to technical program committees and he organized special sessions of many international conferences. 

He has been external reviewer of several EU funded projects and of several Ministerial research programmes in Italy and for other countries institutions (e.g. Canada). 
Dr. Regazzoni is or has been Associate Editor of several international journals: IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans on Image Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Eurasip Journal on Information Security, International Journal on Image and Graphics,Eurasip Journal on Video and Image Processing. He has been Guest editor of special issues of international journals including: Proceedings of the IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Real Time Imaging, and other journals. He has been co-editor of 4 edited books (Kluwer) on intelligent video surveillance from 1999 to 2003. He has been awarded of best IEEE Vehicular Electronics VT paper award in 2002. Dr. Regazzoni is author or co-author of around 80 papers on International Scientific Journals and of more than 280 papers accepted at peer reviewed International Conferences. 

He is Vice President Conferences (2015-2017) of IEEE Signal Processing Society as member of IEEE (M 1989, S 2000) and volunteer within IEEE SPS in different responsibility roles. 
He has been member of the IEEE SPS Technical Committees on (TC) Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (IMDSP), and Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP) from 2006 to 2011. He has served as Region-8 Regional Director-at-large and member of IEEE SPS Board of Governors (2011-2012), as member-at-large and ex-officio of the IEEE SPS Conference Board (2011-now), member of the IEEE SPS Membership Board (2011-now), member ex-officio of IEEE Publications Board (2013-now), member of the Conference Board Executive SubCommittee (2011,2013), Director of Membership Services and Chair of the Membership Services subcommitte (2013-2014). He has served from 2011to 2014 as first IEEE Italy SPS Chapter Chair, who was awarded of 2012 IEEE SPS Chapter of the Year Award.

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