University of Genova

The University of Genoa (UNIGE) is one of the oldest of the major European universities; with about 280 courses of study distributed between the Genoa offices and the University centers of Imperia, Savona and La Spezia. UNIGE plays a leading role in the field of research, innovation and technology transfer. In a context of increased national and international competitiveness, the Genovese University is constantly active in identifying funding, monitoring and selecting all the opportunities and sources, including the tools for the mobility of researchers, which are so important to improve the positioning to international level.

With regard to research doctorates, UNIGE is coordinating 28 doctoral courses accredited by the Italian Ministry of the Scientific Research and University that cover the main scientific disciplinary areas, organized in 98 curricula.
Several doctoral courses are organized with national or foreign Universities and research institutions, including the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), the Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), the Queen Mary University of London and the Maastricht University. Additional PhD projects and scholarships were also activated in European and international projects (H2020 - MSC ITN, H2020 - ERC, CONFAP, etc.).

The Joint Doctorate on Interactive and Cognitive Environments is accredited by Anvur not only as an international doctorate but also for its confirmed skills as an inter-sectoral doctorate to be inherent to the themes of the "Industry 4.0" initiative and for the presence of an agreement with other institutional subjects on specific research or transfer themes. technological and that foresee a double supervision.
On the Italian side, several research teams from the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineering and Naval Architecture (DITEN) are involved in supervision. Among these, the team called Information and SIgnal Processing for Cognitive Telecommunications (ISIP40) is involved in several PhD projects. The team is currently led by Prof. Carlo Regazzoni and Dr. Lucio Marcenaro and can count on 5 PhD students (who study and develop signal processing algorithms for dynamic cognitive systems), 2 research fellows and a number of external collaborators. Teaching activities allow students of degree and master's degree to be involved in team research activities. The key structures of the research group include a fully equipped laboratory with high performance computers (eg, GPU for deep learning), heterogeneous sensors (for example, cameras, wireless devices, location sensors, etc.). ), actuators (eg, automation doors, LCD panels, etc.) and network devices including a software-defined radio development kit.

A second research team consists of the Satellite Communications and Networking Laboratory (SCNL), headed by Prof. Mario Marchese. The research team is also currently composed of 1 PhD student, 2 research fellows and several external collaborators. This laboratory has at its disposal a number of high-performance computers that can be used for the design and testing in a simulative aand/oremulative environment of algorithms, protocols and strategies concerning the issues covered by the present application, as well as the support of the staff for the start of the research work.