Yue Gao

Yue Gao (known as Frank) is a Reader in Antennas and Signal Processing, and Director of Whitespace Machine Communication (WMC) Lab in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). I worked as Research Assistant, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at QMUL after my PhD degree obtained from QMUL in 2007. I am currently leading a team developing theoretical research into practice in the interdisciplinary area among smart antennas, signal processing, spectrum sharing and internet of things (IoT) applications. I have published over 140 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, 2 patents, and 2 book chapters. I am an EPSRC Early Career Fellow (2018-2023) and a co-recipient of the EU Horizon Prize Award on Collaborative Spectrum Sharing in 2016, and have obtained the Research Performance Award from Faculty of Science and Engineering at QMUL in 2017. I am an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Wireless Communication Letter and China Communications. I have been served as Cognitive Radio Symposium Co-Chair of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, the Signal Processing for Communications Symposium Co-Chair for IEEE ICCC 2016, Publicity Co-Chair for IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, and General Chair of the IEEE WoWMoM and iWEM 2017. I am a Senior Member of IEEE, a Secretary of the IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks, and an IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Distinguished Lecturer.

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